Tangier Presentation Well Received

CPCL’s Robert Harvey was one of the guest speakers at the 4th Cathodic Protection Remote Monitoring Conference. The event, held on 6th October at the Mercure Brandon Hall Hotel near Coventry, is organised by Abriox and is well attended by members of the industry anxious to exchange news and views.

Robert’s presentation focused on one of CPCL’s largest projects to date, the Tangier Port Med II Project. The delegates listened with interest as Robert explained some of the challenges CPCL overcame in the supply of 28 Transformer Rectifiers for the protection of the concrete caissons which form the outer walls of the port. Operating in a hot Mediterranean marine climate, the project is the largest Thyristor TR installation in the world, on 3km of jetties. The installation is controlled by CPCL’s own Remote Monitoring & Control System (RMCS).

The event focuses on the gas and petrochemical industry and is attended by engineers and CP specialists from around the country. Other presentations in an excellent day’s networking included AC Corrosion, CP of Carrier Pipelines in Tunnels and CP in Hazardous Areas. CPCL, along with several other companies, displayed some of its products during the conference, including the RMCS.

The photo below, courtesy of Abriox, shows some of the conference's delegates and a CPCL display banner in the background.
