NACE Corrosion 2017 Hailed a Success
Praise has been heaped on NACE for their Corrosion 2017 event, the world’s largest corrosion conference and exposition, held from 26-30 March. Presumably some of the praise was the result of the location of this year’s conference, New Orleans, where the atmosphere is conducive to relaxed conviviality. Always a welcome diversion from the pressures of the exhibition!
This year CPCL’s attendees were Sales Manager Stuart Martin and Project Co-ordinator Tom Pain, who have been quick to enthuse about not only the 2017 venue but also the benefits of the event itself.
“The exhibition is a fantastic opportunity to meet with corrosion specialists, and learn from the latest developments in the industry,” said Tom. “But of course the chance to connect with industry experts and peers focused on the prevention and mitigation of corrosion can only be of benefit to CPCL, as we were able to showcase some of our latest developments and innovations, including our Switch Mode Power Supply, for which the company is well respected.”
The event, which welcomed over 6,000 delegates, also hosts a series of talks, seminars and lectures, meaning that the exchange of knowledge can only help the fast-paced developing industry.